The Importance and Challenges of Life Science and Healthcare Logistics in Brazil
During the pandemic, several sectors were very important for the continuation of essential services.
Undoubtedly, the Life Science and Healthcare logistics management was one of the most crucial segments.

It ensured that hospitals, pharmacies, and clinics were being supplied at a time when some of them suffered shortages of essential medication and materials in the fight against COVID-19.

Life Science and Healthcare Logistics management made possible the movement of materials, medicines and other supplies for our clients, during a very uncertain period. Our clients learned that partnering with an experienced logistics provider is of paramount importance to help mitigate delays and shortages of products that can affect directly entire healthcare systems.
João Caldana, Managing Director ASL Brazil at DACHSERBesides a rigorous supply chain management, inventory control and adequate storage of products, the use of modern technology is also a great ally. “We use a tracking and tracing system, that provides a comprehensive overview of all transport activities”, said Mr. Caldana.
Storage distribution and transport
- Storage and distribution
For the entire Life Science and Healthcare Logistics system to work, including the storage of medicines and hospital materials, correct handling is necessary to extend their shelf life, as most of these materials are delicate to handle.
Temperature controlled environments and adequate storage spaces are the basis for the transportation and distribution of medicine and medical supplies. Distribution centers should be used strategically to regulate inventories (whether for industrial or commercial businesses), to reduce costs, and concentrate activities and processes where scale is a differentiating factor. In a bonded temperature controlled warehouse in Sao Paulo that works GDP compliant, DACHSER Brazil offers services such as the loading and unloading of ULDs (Unit Load Devices) and sea freight reefer containers for its customers of the Life Science and Healthcare sector.
- Transport
According to Mr. Caldana, “The correct and holistic Life Science and Healthcare Logistics management, involving international transport, customs clearance, storage, and national distribution, minimizes risks throughout the supply chain, making these sensitive materials’ distribution system more efficient and safe”.
Knowledgeable employees also play a decisive role in the handling of sensitive goods. DACHSER Brazil has teams which specialize in Life Science and Healthcare logistics, and also its transport management system fulfils the quality management requirements of the medical sector.
“We work GDP-compliant and we have implemented a state of the art online quality management system which is used by more than 380 GDP-trained staff members on a global level”, explains Timo Stroh, Head of Global Air Freight at DACHSER. “We are constantly auditing our processes and our suppliers, work on continuous improvements and train our employees according to the required regulations.”
The logistics service provider permanently intensifies its competencies in the Life Science and Healthcare area. Following Frankfurt, Mumbai, Hyderabad and Atlanta, Shanghai has been the fifth CEIV certified station in the DACHSER network since March this year. “This enables us to serve our Life Science and Healthcare customers in the key regions around the world such as Brazil”, says Timo Stroh. “We ensure our air freight services meet the highest service and quality standards through our uniform processes and GDP compliant network. Our suppliers around the world meet the highest standards of quality and services.”